Version 1.667

Released: 2024-09-03

Server TLS ACME configuration page evolution new

A new page has been added to Evolution. It can be accessed on admin level in Server Manager -> Server TLS Certificate page and clicking the Settings button.

Page features the ability to control basic configuration needed to automatically issue and renew server certificates using ACME protocol. It also allows control of what domains will be part of the TLS certificate as well as the option to configure an external DNS provider for wildcard certificates.

ACME Settings Base Configuration

Allow up to 9 different PHP versions custombuild new

CustomBuild and DirectAdmin now support having up to nine different PHP versions on a single server.

Different PHP versions can be assigned to domains (or subdomains). With the increased number of custom PHP versions, almost any PHP version can be given as an option.

This improvement allows replacing 3rd party PHP selectors with a native implementation.

Additional PHP versions need to be enabled in the CustomBuild options and built using CustomBuild software management commands.

More extensions for PHP custombuild new

CustomBuild is updated to support installing the following PHP extensions:

The PHP extension mcrypt is always included when building old PHP versions (PHP 7.1 and older), because it is included with PHP sources. However, it was not available for newer PHP versions. Enabling the php_mcrypt option in CustomBuild will allow having this extension with any PHP version.

The PHP compilation script is also updated to always include common PHP extensions that are bundled with PHP sources - shmop, sysvshm, sysvmsg, sysvsem, and ffi.

Support removing redis service custombuild new

CustomBuild is extended to support removing redis service when it is no longer needed.

A new command da build remove_redis removes redis service and all related service instance files from the system.

Stop creating the php_extensions.conf file custombuild improved

CustomBuild will keep all PHP extension configuration in the main options.conf file and will not create php_extensions.conf.

The file php_extensions.conf is still loaded when reading configuration for backwards compatibility, but any change to CustomBuild options will move PHP extensions configuration inside options.conf and will remove the php_extensions.conf file.

Software version changes custombuild improved

  • php_mcrypt added with 1.0.7 version
  • php_ssh2 added with 1.4.1 version
  • php_yaml added with 2.2.3 version
  • apr updated from 1.7.4 to 1.7.5
  • composer updated from 2.7.7 to 2.7.8
  • dovecot-pigeonhole updated from 0.5.21 to
  • dovecot updated from 2.3.21 to
  • igbinary updated from 3.2.15 to 3.2.16
  • imagemagick updated from 7.1.1-36 to 7.1.1-37
  • litespeed updated from 6.3-3 to 6.3.1-0
  • MariaDB 10.11 updated from 10.11.8 to 10.11.9
  • MariaDB 10.5 updated from 10.5.25 to 10.5.26
  • MariaDB 10.6 updated from 10.6.18 to 10.6.19
  • MariaDB 11.4 updated from 11.4.2 to 11.4.3
  • modsecurity_owasp_rules updated from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0
  • nginx updated from 1.27.0 to 1.27.1
  • PHP 8.2 updated from 8.2.22 to 8.2.23
  • PHP 8.3 updated from 8.3.10 to 8.3.11
  • roundcubemail updated from 1.6.8 to 1.6.9
  • wp-cli updated from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0

Backup settings are saved immediately evolution improved

In previous DirectAdmin versions, updating backup-related configuration settings used to take effect after a minute from the time settings were saved (action was performed using a task queue).

This sometimes caused confusion when settings are checked immediately after updating because old settings would be shown.

Starting this release, setting changes will be applied immediately.

Backup-related directadmin.conf settings

Style update for widgets evolution improved

Widgets in the dashboard were updated to unify the look and feel and make them work the same way in different layouts.

Updates in the CustomBuild options page evolution improved

The Extra Features -> CustomBuild -> Options page was updated, with the following minor improvements:

  • Show options in the same order as in the options.conf file. Previously, options were sorted in alphabetic order.
  • Show default values more clearly. Each option has a label showing if this is the default option value.
  • The options file is updated immediately when a new value is selected.

Cleaner output of da info command improved

Command da info output is changed to make it simpler and more clear:

  • Fields gettext support and gettext path are removed.
  • Field commit sha is renamed to build.
  • Fields OS slug and detected OS slug are replaced with arch, os, and distro fields.
  • Field eol time is renamed to eol and uses canonical datetime format.

Example of the da info command output:

# da info
version: 1.667
build: 20e308406a4b66ceb9117c41efe368fb160d2475
arch: amd64
os: linux
package: directadmin_20e308406a4b66ceb9117c41efe368fb160d2475_linux_amd64.tar.gz
distro: debian11
eol: 2026-11-01 00:00:00
eol timestamp: 1793491200

DNSSEC page redesign evolution improved

The dns security page (accessed from either user level's DNS Management or admin/reseller level's DNS Administration pages) has been redesigned to add more clarity as to what information is provided on the page. Some other minor improvements include the addition of a copy button for the DS record and a warning window popup when "Clear Zone" is clicked.

Below is an example of what the page looks like now:

DNSSEC Page Example

Faulty process monitor authentication state management evolution fixed

After authenticating in the process monitor page (located in admin level -> Admin Tools -> Process Monitor), users were given an error despite successful authentication. Only after reloading the page user could tell that authentication was successful.

With this change, successful authentication does not cause error to be shown and the page updates immediately.

Unexpected errors in the Exim log break E-mail Tracking page fixed

Unexpected or malformed Exim log lines used to make the E-mail Tracking page to show no data. The page is updated to correctly handle incomplete data and continue showing valid log entries.

Refreshed layout dashboard right-side area evolution removed

Evolution skin in the refreshed layout mode used to have a right-side area visible in the Dashboard page. This area used to show account usage data and messages. This information is now available in the new Messages and Your Account widgets. The whole right-side area is removed.

Support for multiple PHP modes on single server custombuild removed

Starting this release, CustomBuild will require that PHP web server integration modes (options php1_mode, php2_mode, etc.) are the same for all enabled PHP versions.

This change is a first step towards replacing multiple PHP mode options with a single option that controls PHP mode for all the versions.

Removed the mysql_remove_test_db configuration option from directadmin.conf removed

The DirectAdmin service will no longer try to actively remove test databases. CustomBuild already takes care to remove test databases on a fresh system install.

Task queue action action=delete&value=test_dbs is also no longer available.

Checking system package update availability custombuild removed

Command da build versions will no longer report if updates for system packages are available. This caused slowdowns for the CB version checks. It is planned to move system updates checking functionality to the main DirectAdmin service.

Realtime quotas when viewing a User improved

The internal default is realtime_quota=2 and this allows Users to view their disk usage in realtime for:

  • Their side-bar disk usage
  • When viewing their own account statistics page.

There was really no reason why this info cannot be live when an Admin/Reseller are viewing that User's info without having login in as them. This change will add realtime disk usage to these 2 calls:

  • CMD_SHOW_USER?user=fred

Both of these calls do support json=yes if json is desired instead of html/url-encoded output, respectively.

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