Version 1.28.6

Released: 2007-01-02

option to suspend based on disk usage new

option added to the directadmin.conf to suspend an account/domain based on oversusage of their disk space. It will be a global option on/off, not per user account. The "suspend at limit" option will then encompass this option, so unchecking it will not suspend the user for either bandwidth or disk usage, even if the disk usage suspension is turned on.

The option you will place in your directadmin.conf is:


The default will not be in the file, but will be set to 0 internally.

In general, I don't recommend this.. as a user won't be able to delete any files from his account if he's suspended. It would be up to the admin to delete the account. I personally prefer to keep an eye on things and communicate with clients to resolve disk quota issues (charge them more, or help them find why they're using up more space..etc). Most people don't appreciate being suspended 😉 But of course, there is demand for this feature, so not all admins feel this way.

change filemanager directory disk usage to show blocksizes instead of filesizes new

For directories, will change the counting of files to be the total size of the blocks they use on disk, not just the size of the file. From the fstat point of view, it will use "filestat.st_blocks * 512" instead of "filestat.st_size" for the counting of files.

When you view the files themselves, they'll still be the size of the file.. but the total size of the files under a directory will show the blocksizes, so the math may be a bit out if you actually add it up, but will match the system quotas which also use the blocksizes instead of just filesizes.

To avoid confusion, we've added a "hover over popup" for files shown in the filemanager (assuming the filemanager_du=1 option is set, which is on by default). It will show the filesize, and the Disk usage of that file so users understand why the math is weird. I've also thrown in the last accessed, last modified, and last changed file info into this popup.. while we're at it 😉

Last accessed is the time the file was last read.

Last modified is the time the contents of the file were last changed.

Last changed is the time the headers (permissions, chmod) was changed.

You can see how the 2 size types differ by using the "du" command.


[root@fc4 default]# ls -lah index.html

-rwxr-xr-x  1 admin mail 593 Jul  7  2005 index.html

[root@fc4 default]# du -h index.html

4.0K    index.html

[root@fc4 default]# du -h --apparent-size index.html

593     index.html

Note how by default, "du" reports the file as being 4k, when the file only has 593 bytes in it. 4k is the size of the blocks the file is using, so it's the total disk usage being used.

I will be changing our internal "dirFileSize" function to read the block sizes.. so all aspects of DA that calls this function will get the true disk usage, not just the sum of the files. This includes the "email total" on the site summary page.. as well as the "disk usage" for a specific domain, etc.

mime types in the filemanager case sensitive fixed

change the mimetype reader to be case insensitive so that extensions like JPG (instead of jpg) are still recognized as jpg files.

missing mail A record with restore fixed

Relating to this feature:

restore old file with restore (SKINS)

DA is incorrectly filtering duplicate records during the restore causing the mail A record to be removed.

The fix is to change how the current and backed up zones are merged. The process is still fairly complicated because it will still let you add new entries to the live zone.. and when you do the restore, the old backed up data will overwrite the current data, but stil maintain your extra additions (yes, it's messy).

To add missing mail A record:

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