Version 1.21.1

Released: 2004-03-01

Ftp and cron features added to backup (SKINS) new

Ability to backup to an ftp server

Ability to restore from an ftp server.

Ability to have a cron job for backing up to either local or ftp.

Ability to modify that cronjob.

Naturally, many changes. See the reseller/backups.html for details.

Also, new file reseller/backup_modify.html for editing cron jobs.

cache Optimization for large tables new

Tables such as "show all users" and "list / modify users" tend to load slowly for very large servers.. Optimization will create a temp file will all data, updated during a tally (or possibly more often). The tables will then read from this file (if it exists) greatly increasing the speed that the tables are produced (1 file read vs several hundred).

The cache file should keep itself updated on it's own (every time a significant change is made)... but if anything does become innacurate, the nightly tally will update it, or else you can use the task queue yourself:

echo "action=cache&value=showallusers" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

if you just want to update one user in the file, then you can run:

echo "action=cache&value=showallusers&user=bob" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

The public_html symbolic link is added during the user creation. This addition will ensure that this symbolic link kept up to date when domains are added/removed. If a domain is added, the link will point to the new domain. If a domain is deleted, it will point to the default domain (original domain), and if one doesn't exist, it will just point to the first domain in the list. If no domains exist, the link will be removed.

The User also has the ability to specify which domain they want to use as their default domain. The domain administration screen has one additional button "Set as Default" in the domains table, so the user would selected the domain they want to use, and then click that butotn. This will set their ~username public_html link as will also change

Option to not get automatic updates. (SKINS) new

Checkbox in the the admin settings page to disable the automatic updates.


<input type=checkbox name=auto_update value="yes" |AUTOUPDATECHECKED|>

"host" value in the mysql.conf for remote database control new

Extra variable can be added to the /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf file: (or

where all database setup commands will be acccessed through that host. The default if the variable doesn't exist is to use the "localhost"

For DirectAdmin 1.48.4, you can now have multiple mysql.conf files, on a per-User basis:

Per-User mysql.conf files

Admin allocation on admin stats page new

Show how much resource has been allocated for the whole server in the admin stats page. The admin.allocation file will be created during the nighly tally.

template for default dns entries new

a template used for adding new entries into new files. Then you can specify new records upon the creation of a domain.


the ususal template rules apply, copy it to the custom folder and use your own copy.

admin to have ability to install serverwide skin from panel (SKINS) new

Add a checkbox in the skin management screen to install the skin serverwide. The checkbox will only appear for admins.

  • reseller/skins.html

added |SERVERSKIN| .. it will only be filled with a checkbox for admins. It will be filled with "" (nothing) for Resellers.

Ability to only view last # of lines in the apache logs (SKINS) new

When the logs grow to large sizes, it becomes difficult for users to view error logs due to the fact that they'd need to download the whole file before seeing the end. This feature will enable them to view the last number of lines of those files.. they can specify the number.



<a href="/CMD_SHOW_LOG?domain=|domain|&type=log&lines=10">10 lines</a>
<a href="/CMD_SHOW_LOG?domain=|domain|&type=log&lines=100">100 lines</a>
<a href="/CMD_SHOW_LOG?domain=|domain|&type=error&lines=10">10 lines</a>
<a href="/CMD_SHOW_LOG?domain=|domain|&type=error&lines=100">100 lines</a>

Basically the same as the other log lines, just has the number of lines to show at the end of the request.

scripting in skins to allow dynamic buffer size new

When scripting in skins, previously, there was a limit to the size of the output. This will dynamically grow the buffer as it fills up so that as much output can be used as you want without issue.

Skins Tables: alternating colors (SKINS Important!) new

Since some tables are really wide with many columns, an alternating color would be greatly helpful in assisting users to follow the line without skipping to another one. To achieve this, we'll add another <td> class called "list2" which will hold the color information of the alternating line. If you want the colors to remain the same, you'll still need to add the 2nd class type so that it's assigned to something. The <td> will show up as:

<td class=list2> info </td>

so testing can be done with that. There is also another class which needs to be added, it's called listwrap2.

Sample in style.css:

    white-space: nowrap;
    white-space: wrap;

set quotas with euid 0 fixed

the effective user id wasn't zero when setting quotas. The actual user id was zero. Redhat doesn't seem to care, but freebsd doesn't like it a whole lot.

DA allowing re-update fixed

The version comparison wasn't strict enough. This was enabling updates to be downloaded multiple times (once for the user, once for the forced update). This won't hurt anything.

The version check was to not update if:

new version < current version

changed to

new version <= current version

Allow non-ASCII characters in email Filters fixed

Have the ability to filter out non-ascii characters in emails.

Outlook email settings use different headers fixed


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=outlook_setup.reg


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/force-download
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Type: application/download
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=outlook_setup.reg;

Frontpage Group set to username fixed

When the frontpage extesions are installed, this will set the -xgroup setting so that the files won't be set to group apache, but rather the correct username of the client.

Special chacters in ticket system fixed

ÿ isn't showing up..

caused by using type "char" for characters which used the leading bit. Normally ascii characters only use 7 of the 8 bits, where the 8th is a parity bit. The new characters such as ÿ DO in fact use this bit, so the char type no longer applied. Changed them to ints.

accept -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- fixed

The ssl feature currently only accepts


this will now also allow


Increase serial number for dns zone after IP change fixed

When an IP address is changed, the serial number insn't increased. This fix will increase the number.

Last Updated: