Version 1.56.4
Released: 2019-04-16
Custom Php-FPM: global php CUSTOM tokensTrue global CUSTOM1 and CUSTOM2 pre tokens, loaded in before other tokens for the php-fpm.conf templates, all Users, all php versions.
where, if either exists, they'll be added into their respective CUSTOM1 or CUSTOM2 tokens for all php-fpm.conf rewrites.
virtual_host2.conf.CUSTOM.4.pre not loadingAll of the numbered custom token files for ".pre" would not be seen, as the .post load would overwrite the variable before it was used.
Example of a non-functioning file:
but would apply for all virtual_host*conf, and for any token number.
Did not apply to non-numbered custom token files.
New User to DB needs escaped underscoreRelating to this change to support MySQL 8.0:
Bug was introduced that added users to database:
but needs to be:
Else, it would cause issues when trying to alter permissions.
Dropping a User does not reference the database column if that User is only on this DB, so not an issue to delete.
Dropping a User does reference the database column BUT uses an 'or' for either syntax, so also not an issue to delete.