Version 1.25.5

Released: 2005-11-14 new



filename new




also, removed the default file creation on viewing the spamassassin page. It now only creates the default files/directories when saved.

Access Level memory (SKINS) new

Level memory into the sessions so that when you are doing things at the Reseller Level, and click "Home", you are sent back to the Level you were last on, eg: Reseller level (instead of admin level)

Replace "/" for "Home" link to "/|HOME_MEMORY|"

Upon logout from the "login as user" feature, the home_memory setting is removed from the session file, and the default / is used for the home link.

Ability to customize the "Message System" name in the message system emails new

This setting will only affect emails generated by DA (eg, overusage notifications etc).

This will be a global setting, set in the directadmin.conf (no interface options).

default value:

msg_sys=Message System

Does not apply for messages generated by Resellers (eg "send message"). This can already be done by setting your User "Name" in User Level -> Stats/Logs -> Name

(it's "name=Your Name" in your user.conf file)

Admin Level "Message All Users" -> email only option (SKINS) new

Reseller Level "Message All Users" -> email only option

Adding a checkbox on the "message all users" page, to the left of the "Save" button.

Note: if you don't update your skins to have this checkbox, then the "Email Only" button on the "list users" page won't work. This is a "must update" skin item or the feature will break. (Only applies to custom skins. Stock DA skins will obviously come updated)

Also, "SHOW_EML_ONLY=yes" when this option is allowed to show up:

|*if SHOW_EML_ONLY="yes"|
   <input type=checkbox name=email_only value='yes' |EML_ONLY_CHEKCED|> Email Only



Note: the only way to get to the "email only" type of message is

  1. List Users -> select the users, and click "Email Only", then "send a message"

  2. Reseller Level -> Message All users.

If you go to "Manage Tickets" -> "Send a Message", you will not get the option because the skin cannot have the option when a User is creating a ticket to go to his creator.

Ability to create symlink from private_html to public_html, on click with "are you sure" message (as the private_html will be deleted, along with it's contents)

Link is in:

user/modify_domain.hml, add:

<script language=javascript>
function confirmit()
   with (document.https)
      var checkedval='';
      for (var i=0; i < elements.length; i++)
      if (elements\[i\].type == 'radio')
         if ( elements\[i\].name == "val" && elements\[i\].checked )
      if (checkedval=='symlink')
         if (confirm('Using a symbolic link will delete the private_html directory and all files in it.  Do you wish to continue?'))

<table class=list cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1>
<form name=https action="/CMD_DOMAIN" method="post">
<input type=hidden name=action value="private_html">
<input type=hidden name=domain value="|domain|">

<tr ><td class=listtitle colspan=2>private_html setup for |domain| - (SSL must be enabled above) </td></tr>
|*if SSLCHECKED!="checked"|
<tr><td class=list><input type=radio name=val value="directory" |SSLDISABLED| |DIRECTORY_CHECKED|></td><td class=list>Use a directory named private_html</td></tr>
<tr><td class=list><input type=radio name=val value="symlink" |SSLDISABLED| |SYMLINK_CHECKED|></td><td class=list>Use a symbolic link from private_html to public_html - allows for same data in http and https</td></tr>
<tr><td class=listtitle colspan=3 align=right>
<input type=button value='Save' |SSLDISABLED| onClick="confirmit();">

alternate text for images new

alternate text for images, for the visually impaired.

Enhanced skin only, top row of buttons only.

IP blacklist file for excessive login attempts (SKINS) new

DA already counts the number of login attempts from a certain IP.

This feature will simply block that IP if the number of attempts exceeds a certain threshold. (number is settable, default 100 and feature off). When the IP is added to the file (/usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/ip_blacklist, root ownership) the counter is also reset to 0, so if you remove the IP from the blaclist file, that IP will be able to make X number of attempts again.



bruteforce=1 (or 0 for off, default)


exempt_local_block=0 (or 1 to prevent from being blacklisted)



<td class=list>
Blacklist IPs for excessive login attempts
<td class=list>
<input type=checkbox name=bruteforce value="yes" |BRUTEFORCECHECKED|>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;after <input type=text name=brutecount value="|BRUTECOUNT|" size=4> login attempts
<td class=list>
Prevent from being Blacklisted
<td class=list>
<input type=checkbox name=exempt_local_block value="yes" |LOCALEXEMPTCHECKED|>

Option to prevent Users with no space from creating bacukups (SKINS) new

Percentage setting in the admin settings page. Default is 100%. It is the perecentage of space used that the user must be below before he/she is allowed to create a User Backup.

Eg, set it to 80%. If a User is using 50% of his usage, he will be able to create a backup. If he's using 90% he will not be able to.

If you set the number to 100% users will always be able to create a backup. (even if they are using 101% usage).

If you set the number to 0%, users will never be ablet o create a backup (essentially shuts off User Backup creation).

Reseller Level -> User Backups are not affected by this check because Reseller save data to their own space, not the User's.

DA computes the disk usage for the user in real time. This is actually a mini-tally. The same tally command is run internall, but only the disk usage portions are calcuated and saved. (disk usage stats for the user will be updated after creating a backup). The Reseller's total disk usage is not changed (updated during the normal tally)



<td class=list>
<td class=list>
Allow Users with less than <input type=text name=backup_threshold value="|BACKUP_THRESHOLD|" size=2>% Disk Usage to create Backups.<br>(0 turns off Backups, 100 allows it always)

Users are unsuspended by the tally after Reseller is suspended. fixed

The account=ON option for a Reseller's users is not set to OFF when a reseller is suspended, so his users become unsuspended during the nightly tally.

Last Updated: