Version 1.63.3
Released: 2021-12-07
Make Git return status for each repositoryGit now returns a status for each repository. It makes the git manager display the repository in the list even though it's broken allowing to acknowledge the fact and fix the situation or delete the repository. Previously no repositories were returned at all if at least one was broken.
Remove dependency on ncftpls in scripts/ftp_list.phpPHP script scripts/ftp_list.php
no longer depends on ncftpls
being installed on the system. It uses curl
improved installs CustomBuild in backgroundScript scripts/
installs CustomBuild components in background now. SSH session can be closed when DirectAdmin login credentials are provided. Status can be found in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/install.txt
. Installation of Bind, CSF, Majordomo and Sysbk has been moved to CustomBuild.
ipswap.shScript scripts/
was fixed to swap old IP addresses in OpenLiteSpeed configuration files as well.